Salisbury Beach Wintersteen Looff Carousel

Timeline of the Wintersteen Looff carousel that is now in Salisbury Beach, Massachusetts:

1903 - Mangels is producing new carousels in Coney Island New York (Feltman's carousel)
1909 - the carousel is built
1910 - William F. Mangels Company "Carousell" Works, Coney Island New York begins

1910 - carousel is installed at Lehigh Valley Picnic Grounds (later called Harvey's Lake or Hanson's Amusement Park)
1914 - carousel, is bought by Wintersteen, continues running at Hanson's Amusement Park in Pennsylvania
1984 - Hanson's Amusement Park closes

1986 - Old Town in Kissimmee Florida opens in December
1987 - carousel arrives at Old Town
1994 - carousel leaves Old Town

1996 - carousel starts in International Market World Auburndale Florida
2008 - carousel leaves International Market World and is placed into storage (a Norton auction took place there in 2008)

December 2019 - carousel is purchased by the Salisbury Beach Partnership and the carousel figures are set up for display at the Blue Ocean in Salisbury Beach Massachusetts for the annual Festival of Trees

July 2020 - carousel is set up in the Care Free Arcade on Ocean Street in Salisbury Beach Massachusetts

December 2021 - demolition begins to create space for new carousel building on Broadway

(photos by Alan MacInnes, 2020 and 2021, at Care Free Arcade)