Salisbury Beach Wintersteen Looff Carousel
Timeline of the Wintersteen Looff carousel that is now in Salisbury Beach, Massachusetts: 1903 - Mangels is producing new carousels in Coney Island New York (Feltman's carousel) 1909 - the carousel is built 1910 - William F. Mangels Company "Carousell" Works, Coney Island New York begins 1910 - carousel is installed at Lehigh Valley Picnic Grounds (later called Harvey's Lake or Hanson's Amusement Park) 1914 - carousel, is bought by Wintersteen, continues running at Hanson's Amusement Park in Pennsylvania 1984 - Hanson's Amusement Park closes 1986 - Old Town in Kissimmee Florida opens in December 1987 - carousel arrives at Old Town 1994 - carousel leaves Old Town 1996 - carousel starts in International Market World Auburndale Florida 2008 - carousel leaves International Market World and is placed into storage (a Norton auction took place there in 2008) December 2019 - carousel is purchased by the Salisbury Beach Partnership and the carous...